Our vision is to inspire our students to acquire knowledge and skills in order to become responsible, productive and ambitious lifelong learners who aspire to achieve their full potential in both conventional and Islamic knowledge. In the near future, our name should come first to the mind of parents whenever and wherever a school is mentioned.
Our mission is to challenge ourselves to be better than we think we can be, and advocate for the greater good of our school community. We will achieve this by (i) carefully selecting best teachers and empower them to provide a high-quality education and motivate them to try their best toward actualising the school’s vision, (ii) providing a hospitable, joyful, healthy, and supportive learning atmosphere in which everyone is equal and all achievements are celebrated, (iii) treating each student as an individual, given the tools to be a lifelong learner, and taught to function as a member of a group and as a productive member of society.
We select best teachers who try their best so that your child can get the best.Best
We help your child reach his full potential through inspired teaching and personalized learning.
Education is the second food a parent can give a child.Knowledge
Teach your children the Quran and the Quran will teach them everything.
If you don't give your children good role models, they will find them somewhere else. So introduce them to the deen at the early age.
We are aware that no school can work well for children if parents and teachers do not act in pertnership on behalf of the childs best interest.Success
Together, we give your children the roots to grow and and the wings to fly.
Together, we provide your child with the best oppourtunity to reach their excellence.Child + Parent + Teacher = Success